Many businesses across the globe face a painful transition to the post-COVID-19 normal. Some companies may want to slow or halt their digital transformations, however for most, that would be a mistake. In contrast, many Industry 4.0 business leaders are already reaping the benefits of their pre-pandemic investments, widening the gap between “winners” and “losers” in this new environment.

The latest McKinsey report states that the “best option for most companies is to focus on their digital efforts, targeting the most strategically important opportunities and aiming to achieve real scale at an accelerated pace.” Read the full report here.

Credits: Agrawal, M., Dutta, S., Kelly, R., and Millán, I., (2021). COVID-19: An inflection point for Industry 4.0.” McKinsey & Company. Accessed: January 19, 2021.

IndustryX is a center for operational excellence that fosters innovation, evolution and acceleration of operations excellence with an extended network of industry, academia and government. The center focuses on efficiency, innovation, technology and human capital development. Our core services include Industry Projects, Workforce Development, Venture and IP Development, Grant Development and Funding, and Talent and Recruitment. We are excited to play a key role in transforming the industrial landscape, especially in Southeast Michigan and surrounding areas.